Who we are

About ISGlobal

The Barcelona Institute for Global Health, ISGlobal, is the result of an innovative alliance between ”la Caixa” and academic and government institutions.

The Institute was set up to contribute to the work undertaken by the international community to address global health challenges. ISGlobal has consolidated a hub of excellence in research and medical care that has its roots in work first started in the world of health care by the Hospital Clínic and the MAR Health Park and in the academic sphere by the University of Barcelona and Pompeu Fabra University. The pivotal mechanism of its work model is the transfer of knowledge generated by scientific research to practice, a task undertaken by the Institute’s Education and Policy and Global Development departments. ISGlobal is a member of CERCA, the Catalan Government’s network of research centres.


Research team

Xavier Rodó
Xavier Rodó Coordinator
Climate researcher and numerical ecologist. ICREA Research Professor and Head of the Climate & Health Programme at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Barcelona, Spain.

Carlos Dommar
Carlos DommarPlatform Developer
Mathematical and computational modeller and data scientist.
Leonardo López
Leonardo LópezPlatform Developer
Mathematical and computational modeller. Postdoctoral Fellow at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.

Adrià San José
Adrià San JoséResearch Collaborator
Mathematical and computational modeller. Predoctoral Fellow at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.

Collaboration Partners:

Lauren Meyers, Spencer Fox, Lauren Castro, Xutong Wang: Department of Integrative Biology, The University of Texas at Austin.

Israel Molina: Physician and head of the Tropical Medicine and International Health. Unit at the Hospital Vall d’Hebron.

Frederic Bartumeus, John Palmer: ICREA and Theoretical and Computational Ecology Group, CSIC, Blanes.

Núria Torner, Ana Martínez, Mar Maresma i Mireia Jané. Sub-direcció General de Vigilància i Resposta a Emergències de Salut Pública. ASPCAT.

Institutional Partners and Funding Sources:

Department of Health, Generalitat de Catalunya.

La Caixa.

Acknowledgements: PICAT (PERIS Program, Dep. Salut, GENCAT); DENFREE (FP7 EU grant 282378), IC3 Foundation.

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